Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra

The debut of this orchestra can be seen as a milestone in the development of Viennese music. The then, as now, widespread need for sophisticated light music inspired a group of Viennese musicians under the direction of Eduard Strauss, Johann Strauss' great-nephew, to found the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra in autumn 1965, almost 120 years after the founding of the Strauss Orchestra. orchestra.

The main task of the ensemble was to cultivate the music of the Strauss dynasty and light Viennese music. Just a few months after it was founded, the orchestra undertook a six-week tour of America -- and was thus already on the trail of the original Strauss formation, which great-uncle Eduard had led several times through the States (and ultimately also disbanded in New York in 1901 would have).

Read the complete orchestra history at:

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