Ye Olde Scot, the Celtic culture channel is much more than just a Celtic Podcast anymore. sure we still have the podcast which is gaining viewers each week, but we also have 'Learn a Gaelic song' videos that are popular and help you learn the wonderfully unique songs of the Scottish Highlands and other Gaelic communities. We have playlists of Celtic Badass of the week, weekly Celtic Music spotlight, Dark Celtic History, and the always popular 'speaking our language' videos, and lots of other videos from the unique Celtic culture.
check us out on Facebook too at Ye Olde Scot.

I'm Jeff McDonald and I love the Celtic culture and want to pass it on. I am of Scotch-Irish descent. I competed in the Scottish Highland games for 7 years, I have an intermediate understanding of Scots Gaelic, and have spent the last half of my life immersed in Gaelic music, history, and folklore. I hope you love it as much as I do, and I hope you gain a little knowledge along the way, and of course - have fun.