Helping women become irresistible for high value men by understanding their mind, managing their emotions and creating powerfully the dream relationship they want.

Katie Wang

How to overcome avoidant attachment with these 3 simple steps (and so you won't die alone)..

You may be an avoidant if:
✅ You use “being busy” with your life, your career, your goals etc etc to AVOID dating, relationships, being vulnerable with people, people in general - even though deep down you yearn for that connection and a deeply fulfilling relationship
✅ When people try to get CLOSE to you, you like it and you DON’T like it. Your initial reaction is always to push them away, they make you feel somewhat claustrophobic, you think maybe they’re desperate and there must be something wrong with them.
✅ You need a lot of “alone time” so you can recharge from being with people.
✅ You prefer to be alone to process negative emotions
✅ If you sense potential conflict, criticism, the likelihood of being judged, you will AVOID that person or situation - sometimes for months or even years.

Here's how to overcome avoidant behaviour from my perspective and my understanding of being an avoidant.. because I’m like 50-60% avoidant.. and 30-40% anxious. And I’m also happily married, so avoidances CAN have deeply satisfying relationships!

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7 hours ago | [YT] | 0

Katie Wang

Is he stringing you along? Do you want to know if you're just being strung along, if you're just an option for a man, and your gut is telling you something may not be right? You'll want to watch this video! In the world of dating apps, where everyone has so many options, this is a very common scenario and I'm going to help you manage your thoughts around it!

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2 weeks ago | [YT] | 0

Katie Wang

Every every guy you seem to date and like is "not sure about you", that can be a devastating place to be, but what is REALLY going on here? I have experienced this, I've seen other women experience this, and it can feel so demoralizing when this seems to be your reality, but there is something else that is going on.. let's explore what that is in this video!

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4 weeks ago | [YT] | 1

Katie Wang

Here’s how to make him fear losing you, so you can stop worrying about losing him.

When you’re dating a guy, and he seems so confident and secure that he doesn’t seem to “care” whether you’re there or not, that can be a little unsettling - especially if you’re constantly worried about losing him and being “left behind”.

In this video i’m going to show you how to make a man fear losing you, so you can stop worrying about losing him.

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2 months ago | [YT] | 0

Katie Wang

Here’s how to make him more attracted to you with this mind hack.

Ever liked a guy and wished he was putting in more effort, chasing you more, and was more consistent and respectful towards you? If you want to know how to make him more attracted to you, so he would chase you more and put more effort in for you, you’ll want to watch this video until the end!

This is one concept I wish I’d known about that could have saved me a lot of pain!
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3 months ago | [YT] | 0

Katie Wang

Let’s talk about the 4 “desperate girl” signals that turn guys off..please ladies, don’t act desperate, and don’t make these mistakes like I have. Remember if you’ve done these in the past, or you’re worried about not looking desperate and turning him off, you’ll want to watch this video all the way to the end!

In this video, you’ll discover:

* Why doing #1 on your date is actually NOT always a good thing (a lot of girls think it is!)
* #2 is way too common and will immediately have you “friendzoned” or breadcrumbed
* #3 will instantly turn a man off.. and if he ghosts you, this is why
* And maybe the worst one of all.. is #4… please do not do this and this one may even traumatize you long term!

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3 months ago | [YT] | 2

Katie Wang

If you want to attract AMAZING men, you need an AMAZING mindset. Great men are attracted to great women, and great women think differently to everyone else. In this video I’ll reveal 3 confident female mindsets that drive men wild, and get the guy you want to come chasing after you. If you want to stand out from the rest, if you want to be unforgettable, if you want a man to step up and claim you, you’ll definitely want to adopt these 3 confident female mindsets that drive men wild (so you’re sure to stand out from the rest!).

You’ll discover:

- A secret way to think that makes men chase after you
- A simple way to exude feminine magnetism that has men wrapped around your fingers
- A hack to becoming instantly confident in yourself when it comes to relationships with men!

Don’t miss out by watching this short but powerful video until the end!

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3 months ago | [YT] | 1

Katie Wang

Ever wondered what a man is thinking when he ignores you? When he ignores you, what is he doing & why? Here's a new and different perspective that is kind of shocking. Here's what men are really thinking and doing when he's ignoring you!

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4 months ago | [YT] | 3

Katie Wang

What is ONE quality that makes you instantly more attractive to men, it's not confidence, happiness or carefreeness, it's _________. This is one quality that a lot of women misunderstand and misinterpret, and I want to talk about it in a different way in this video.

This quality can make you instantly more desirable and magnetic to a high quality men. Watch this video find out what that is!

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4 months ago | [YT] | 2

Katie Wang

What is the secret to keep a man interested? And why do some women have it easy and others struggle?

A woman will fall into one of two groups: 1). Get into a relationship quickly and easily or 2). Go on many many dates and still find herself single. What is the difference between these two groups of women?

There IS one key difference between these two groups of women and I reveal my findings in this video! This will help you either stop the cycle of go-nowhere dates OR help you prevent this to begin with!

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5 months ago | [YT] | 2