Zoki Joy of Being

Moojibaba, Papaji, Ananta, Rajee, Ganga Mira - Many Masters, One Voice!
On this channel you'll find Satsang Best Of's or Highlights from various Masters in the lineage of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Please note:
I'm editing satsangs of Masters who have touched my heart very deeply and for whom I'm timelessly grateful.
Trying to "boil down" their pointing to the Truth, to their quintessence which I call "Master Pointings to the Truth".

After studying Multi Media Art I have been working as a video editor for TV for many years now.
In 2015 I met my Master Moojibaba in my heart and a continuous satsang has started.
Hope this Master Pointings will serve you as they serve me. May we all abide timelessly in the Truth, God's Being.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Guru Kripa Kevalam


Shared 3 months ago



Shared 4 months ago