This is just a channel for "High Quality" uploads of in my opinion classic tracks, they will mostly be music videos of tracks that are not alreddy on youtube or that are on youtube but in a shite quality however the odd track will be uploaded that is recorded from a vinyl as you will see from my verry first uplaod,
another reason for this channel is to keep all these classic tracks in one place, there will be a whole range of genras but i will mainly try and upload oldskool hardcore, classic trance and acid house aswell as alot of classic dance tracks from the 90ies
I hope that this channel will enlighten viewers to what was once upon a time the best dance music around as today the charts and clubs are filled with cheesy electro hardcore gangster rappin bullshit that is cheaply produced by producers and record labels wanting to suckel on the teet of fame and cash,
i am happy to take requests, just leave us a note in the comments box and il look into it
Enjoy the tracks on this channel
Peace Love and Rave On!
Shared 13 years ago
Shared 13 years ago
Shared 13 years ago