Venkatesh Bhat's Idhayam Thotta Samayal

My dear friends and well wishers,after a lot of thinking and persuasion from my wife and fans launching my own cookery channel,I sincerely hope that I live up to your expectations and do justice,
All care and honesty has gone into creating my culinary expertise in this virtual world,it gives immense pleasure in sharing the little I have learnt over the past 25 years.
I pray Almighty that this is used wisely and makes it useful to a lot of people looking to learn cooking.
You are all the sole reason of this and I promise I shall try my best and be as genuine as possible.
This show will showcase food from various regions and countries,I humbly request you to see this as my interpretation of presenting the dishes.
Enjoy the show which will have my experiences,short stories,incidents,cookery tips,culinary nuances that have been handed over to me for generations.
I take this opportunity to thank my family.