
PO Box 3386
Ann Arbor MI 48103

Hello! My name is Julie Kobylarz and I am a licensed wildlife rehabber. I create content about wildlife rehabbing and ethical rodent trapping. If you have a mouse problem that you’d like to deal with in a humane way, I’m here to help you. My channel is a fun, interactive space for all who love wildlife. Thank you for your support, let’s get to 5 million followers!

PSA! I don’t check my messages regularly, so if you suspect you’ve found an orphaned or injured mouse, I suggest calling local wildlife rehabbers for further instructions.

If you cannot get in touch with a rehabber, I recommend joining “Deer Mouse Support Group” on FB and making a post. There is a ton of collective knowledge in that group, and I am in there as well.

In the mean time, keep them contained in a warm, quiet place. Do not feed them. Most of all, thank you for your willingness to help critters in need!