Ирина Крутова - солнце русского романса

Irina Krutova - a lyrico-dramatic soprano, the owner of a bewitching timbre and surprising artistic gift, one of the performers of ancient and modern Russian romances, songs, a retro brightest today.
I. Krutova is the singer personifying the romance of the 21st century. Called by the press for the programs "a romance star" and "the queen of the Russian song", she in 2007 has been awarded ranks "National property of Russia".
The owner of a gold medal of Delphic games (1999) Krutova has gained recognition and love of public after a victory in the International competition "Romansiada" (2002). Her gentle silvery voice reminding a voice of a star of the Hollywood musical movies of Dina Durbin, natural actor's talent, the southern temperament (Irina is from the Cossack village in the Rostov region) and special spirituality of execution have shown that the unique creative person who is carrying on Vyaltseva, Yuryeva, Shulzhenko's traditions, Zykiny, Bayanovy has come to the romance world!