Hey all! This is Megabladej and I want to welcome you to my channel!

If you love retro and Indie games, your in the right place! I've been a gamer since the NES days (yes I Know, I'm old. Shut up!).
When you look at it, its amazing how many games and consoles never made it out west. I loved discovering and playing old games from these systems and thought others might enjoy it as well.

I specialize in playing and reviewing games that never left Japan but passionate fans translated, so we in the English speaking world can enjoy them. Through this channel I've become a fan of many amazing franchises that are little known out west.

I try my best to upload a video Monday through Thursday, sometimes Friday if I feel like it (Saturday or Sunday on special occasion ...that's me time darn it!)

If you enjoy my videos, please like them, leave a comment and subscribe to the channel for playthoughs, reviews and more of my poor attempts to entertain you all! See you all next mission!