All of the evidence indicates that the universe is approx 13.7B yrs old, solar system approx 4.5B yrs old, life originated (Abiogenesis) on this planet approx 3.5B years ago and a dynamic process called evolution has resulted in an incredible diversity of life on this planet including us.
Young earth creationism is a scam with particular organisations making millions by preying on the ignorance of the scientific illiterate. The scale of their error regarding the age of the universe is the same magnitude as saying the circumference of the Earth at the equator is 17.5 metres.
I am a gnostic atheist with respect to God claims where the properties assigned to the God are logically inconsistent. I am also an agnostic atheist with regards to God claims which are simply irresolvable.
Shared 12 years ago
Shared 12 years ago
Shared 13 years ago