Sunny SandStorm (Chris Di)

I'll feature you if you feature me! :D
/)^ɜ^(\ SunnySandStorm /)^ɛ^(\
Gameloft ID: SunnySandStorm
I'm the new Kyrospawn.
Subscribe me and become a Brony today!
Sunny SandStorm - The Elemental Storm.
Known as " Chris Di " from Google+.
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
Brony & Pegasister TV
Kyrospawn's Requestria Re:surrection - Resurrection
Become a Brony / Pegasister Today!
Bronies and Pegasisters unite!

Welcome to my Channel.
I hope you enjoy your stay and you have a good time while you are here.
Please recommend me to your friends and subscribers.
I'm sorry for the low volume of the videos.
I am suffering from Hyperacusis and it's very difficult for me to find the normal volume.
Please turn up the volume to achieve maximum enjoyment.
I'm working together with Sethisto & Equestria Daily.
/)^ɜ^(\ SunnySandStorm /)^ɛ^(\