Not a chef but i'm always cooking.


Striving for 100k Subscribers!!

🏆✨Hall of fame✨🏆
First ever viewer: ✨Day light✨
First commenter: ✨joshua barter✨
First collaboration: ✨Mastercrafters 101✨
First donator: ✨Hypercat XR✨
First super thanks: ✨itsphlair2287✨
First member: ✨✨
Biggest donation: ✨EnderplayzMC✨ (20$ US)
Most comments written: ✨Troodonshmoodon✨
Absolute Champ: ✨YouKnowWhoIAm✨

If you want to collaborate with me or want to contact me send me an email on this adress

If you wanna talk to me this is my discord: ModStop#2038
I have no life so I'll answer whatever stuff you send me 👍