If you Google the definition of bi polar they would be presented with the above stated definition. But what does that mean? What is bipolar disorder? Are they crazy people? How do they get it? There are a lot of questions to be asked from inquiring minds on the topic of bipolar disorder. I will give you a detailed insight from a person who suffers from bipolar disorder and has suffered from this disease their whole life. I'm not a doctor or a medical professional, however, I have spent thousands of hours and dollars consulting with them and learning about this life debilitating disease. With that said, I will give you a definition of bipolar from my point of view.
Bpd is a serious mental illness that medical experts claim to effect an estimated 1 percent of the us population. But if you're asking me, I say the number is much much higher. I created a website to help others learn about bipolar. For more information on bipolar visit my site www.bipolarintervention.co
Shared 12 years ago
Shared 12 years ago