“Telebong” was a nickname given to me by my grandma which is very far from my real name which is Roel. That is why the name “iamtelebong.”
In 2009, I started uploading and creating videos of anything I could think of. It was a time I gained and met new friends when youtube started. Everyone enjoyed and played along this video sharing site. It was really a great time.
Amidst this crisis we are facing at this uncertain times, I decided to share my teaching videos to kids who are at home and will need reinforcements in learning from home. It maybe short videos, I hope it would be beneficial for kids at home.
I am Sir Roel. I am a preschool teacher in China for 15 years up to the present. Most of the videos are some of the things that I do to keep myself busy and productive. I love learning new skills everyday. I am here just to send good vibes.
Enjoy life as it is!
Facebook: Roel Feliciano
Instagram: iamtelebong
Shared 4 years ago
Shared 4 years ago