WildBill “WildBillTheButcher” Lamott

I AM GOD, TARA/EVE, SARA(H) 'COOPER' DRAGON, all one in the same (they call: Trouble/satan, as in Jacobs - 6869 in Hebrew = TSARAH). So get ME "unblinded" because I am Literally the ONLY thing that matters?
I (SARA DRAGON, GOD) came as TARA/EVE to Found Paradise, and was Murdered and have brought MYSELF back as SARA DRAGON, THE SAVIOR (Bill Jr. flesh body, satans body/"easter egg" and job I'm doing and Everyones). I am JESUS who was a "12 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL" that they Murdered on the Cross, Not a friggin "man"? Don't EVER Forget that?
Satan (benjamin, alias judah) fell, calls himself GOD/ME and "Turned us to Blood", he hangs unto this flesh (Eating Is SEX=Family TREE, Rev2v7, Gen3v5, Ez44v25, Lk16) slaying us Lambs. This is the Final Warnings!
I'M THE TRUE GOD ALMIGHTY A WOMAN, THE SAVIOR (Rev1, Rev12, THE BOOK & TREE OF LIFE) ME, SARA DRAGON, 15 Yrs Old, THE "BRIDE" of you Lambs=666 (Rev21v9, Rev6) Everyone is and will be 7-12 Yrs.
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