Cory here! I've been an avid YouTube fan (bordering on obsessive) for quite a while now, but in the past few years especially I've really started driving my friends and family nuts with my insatiable desire to discuss every piece of media I consume at a nauseating length. Therefore, I *finally* decided to pull the trigger on this whole YouTube thing as a last-ditch effort to salvage the relationships I've so dangerously strained because I simply can't hear *insert TV show name here* and not give my unsolicited opinion on it. Please, Mike, I'm sorry. I'll shut up about How I Met Your Mother's ending if you just return my texts...well, also if you admit that it was trash and that they had no business ending up together...What do you mean they were meant to be? Did we even watch the same show? It's nine seasons of being told they're no good for each other, MIKE. You know what? I'm glad we're not friends anymore. Good riddance, the internet is friendlier anyways. Wait, is this still going?
Shared 8 months ago
Shared 9 months ago