Spiritual Growth Journeys

The opinions & beliefs expressed by Kimberly Palm in these videos are hers only and do not represent opinions & beliefs of the general public and are for entertainment purposes only.
The videos on this channel, information, products and links provided in the video descriptions have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These videos and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and are not a substitute for treatment for any medical or mental health condition. Please consult your own doctor or a professional licensed healthcare provider before doing anything seen or heard on this channel.
All videos are Copyright of Kimberly Palm and Spiritual Growth Journeys, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Use of any of the videos or any parts of the videos on this channel are by permission only from Kimberly Palm.
Any unauthorized use of videos on this channel will be pursued in a court of law. To find out more, go to spiritualgrowthjourneys.com