πŸ‘‹Hey guys, welcome to the Official Underrated Music channel.

Enjoy a diverse world of EDM, POP, INDIE, FOLK, R&B & ALT ROCK, curated by Underrated artists and bands. This channel has been created and made by people who love Underrated artists, bands and singers.

Enjoy your stay guys!😊,
Underrated Music

βž‘πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈAny music uploaded on this channel belongs to the rightful owner/artist. This channel is intended only for (promotional purposes) and is a non-profit (not monetized) blog.

If any artist would like their music to be taken down, it will be done so without hesitation. Please contact Underrated Music via email in case of any issues or queries, and they will be addressed as soon as possible.

πŸ“©: theofficialunderratedmusic@gmail.com


Shared 1 year ago



Shared 3 years ago