Apollon de Moura / Thunderstep Music

Hello there! I am a 25 years old dreamer, composer and music producer based in Germany. Since May 2017 I am part of IMAscore, where I score countless projects everyday.

At age 12 I first heard of epic music. Fascinated, I began tinkering with the iOS App "GarageBand", creating music and sound in a playful, childlike manner. After school I decided to dedicate my life to music production. I wasn't the best, but I loved doing it and shared it on every digital platform I could access. I got better, networked with other composers, and bought gear to refine my sound.

I began to grasp that living off of music was possible. However, I never anticipated it so early. I won't deny the power of luck and good timing: With IMAscore I reached my goal at age 19 – right when I thought about applying for college.

Sometimes I still long for a scientific degree, as my ultimate dream is to become an astronaut. But maybe I can save up for a space-tourist ticket by just keeping on making music. :)