Welcome to Crypto Tips! I'm Heidi and my husband Toby love to share all of our knowledge with you that we've learned along our 8 year journey with cryptocurrencies. We talk about the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies, why they were created, and what will prove important for them to continue existing well into the future.
We also review trending topics and how they fit into the bigger picture. We love to host livestreams and AMA sessions so we can develop a stronger community with close ties.
We have found a lot of success in many different ways from being ahead of the crowd, and not following the sheep. If you'd like to know how we do it, subscribe to this channel and let's get into it!

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Heidi Twitter: twitter.com/blockchainchick
Toby Twitter: twitter.com/juststacksats
Instagram: www.instagram.com/realcryptotips/
LBRY: lbry.tv/@Crypto-Tips:b


Shared 1 month ago