Spaghetti Western Music

Welcome to the "Spaghetti Wester Music" channel! Discover epic Soundtracks and iconic Film Scores from the Western era, with the original scores highly curated and uploaded for the best music experience!
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The Spaghetti Western was born in the first half of the sixties, and got its name from the fact that most of the movies were directed and produced by Italians, often in collaboration with other European countries, like Spain and Germany. The name ‘Spaghetti Western’ originally was a depreciative term, given by foreign critics to these films because they thought they were inferior to American westerns. Most of the films were made with low budgets, but several still managed to be innovative and artistic, although at the time they didn’t get much recognition, even in Europe. In the eighties, the reputation of the genre grew and today the Spaghetti Western music is still fascinating generations!