Emily Speer (Garcia)


A certified early childhood teacher turned professional dogwalker (Emily Speer, LVT), all formerly and still learning.

“BEST MOMENTS usually occur when a person voluntarily reaches their limits to accomplish something difficult.”

I heard that idea in a CE webinar for teachers, “Harnessing the Joy of Math: Engaging Minds, Enhancing Mastery”.

"Challenges are learning experiences that are richly connected:
*to one another through a thoughtful process of design
*to meaningful contexts outside of the classroom
*to the lives of students through a focus on life roles, relevant issues and personal perspectives.
They're connected in minds of students, integrating their knowledge and understanding through a variety of activities that foster reflection."

🐕‍🦺"Ownership is a particularly valuable skill in taking responsibility for your own learning."

Those ideas in a CE webinar for teachers, "Problem-Based Challenge Design: Getting Started and Going Deeper".
