[ThankS f0r subscriibiinqq && addin` mii as fwenn. I'd l0ve tuu be y0urr fwenddlinq]
Umm, Haters, pwease d0 n0t post nasty c0mments. if euu d0, ii'll be very heartbr0ken. Suggesti0ns f0r my vide0s are welc0me! And umm, CleriCasZ & xXC00LG41zXx fr0m Aquila, MapleSEA, you're wanted! :) Relax, I'll n0rt eat you up 0r kill euu. :) Just mail me if euu're. :)
Cassopiea,CuddyStella [Level 48, Cleric]
Umm, wells, I quiited maple. Reason : due to BADMiNTON, and Primary 5 homew0rks.. And i'll never say "NO" to badminton. And, you can't f0rce it when teachers gives homew0rk.
-[Mixed Series] Part 1 [Completed]
-[Mixed Series] Part 2 [Completed]
-[Mixed Series] Part 3 [Completed]
-[Mixed Series] Part 4 [Completed]
-[Mixed Series] Part 5 [maybe cancelled due to new series and confusions]
-ThE F0rBiDDEN L0vE Trailer [Completed]
-ThE F0RBiDDEN L0vE Part 1 [Completed]
-ThE F0RBiDDEN L0vE Part 2 [70%](May, sorries)
MMV [Random]