Hello. I make very silly educational videos.

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A show about London's quirky, unexplained unbuilt infrastructure, exploring bridges over nothing, tunnels to nowhere, and borders that don't make any sense.

Me and Mark Cooper-Jones (the comedian off the telly who used to be a geography teacher and really loves geography) team up to talk about the world's weirdest/funniest/interestingest maps.

What does the Prime Minister do? Who does the government? What does Right Honourable mean? If you don't understand the first thing about British politics, but you want to, this series was made for you.

Various other things.

Jay Foreman

Happy 14th birthday, Unfinished London!

10 months ago | [YT] | 3,713

Jay Foreman


Set your watches for exactly tea time on Monday 10th July (Jason Orange’s birthday) because that’s the debut of the first brand new episode in the brand new series of Map Men!

Thanks for your patience while we’ve been getting this series ready. It took longer than we expected (Mark’s got a proper job and I’ve got a proper baby) but we’ve finally filmed all the bits, so I can now spend every waking hour editing, and there’s nothing to stop regular new episodes of Map Men bouncing onto your internet every month for the rest of 2023.

Well… apart from… bit of news… we’ve got ANOTHER baby coming along in November! (Not me and Mark, me and my wife.) So there might be another gap in uploads around then. But the good news is, that would mean this series goes on for longer. So, it’s win win. That’s maths.

Anyway if Jason Orange’s birthday is too far away for your liking, and you’d prefer instead to watch the new episode of Map Men on Tom Hanks’s birthday, then did you know you can sign up to my Patreon for just $1 to get early access to all new videos?

You’d really like it over on my Patreon. You get lots more updates like this one I’m typing now, plus early access, plus there are bonus tiers where you get your name in the credits and behind the scenes stuff like outtakes and deleted scenes etc. And there’s plenty of that on the way for these next few episodes.

So, if that tickles your fancy, then hover your mouse over the colourful underlined hypertext below and left click the mouse button. Or for those on a mobile device, hover your thumb as if it were a mouse and left click your thumb instead.


Anyway, whether you’re watching it early over the weekend, or on Monday afternoon, we really hope you enjoy the episode!

End of message.

1 year ago | [YT] | 18,204

Jay Foreman


As some of you might already know if you follow either me on twitter, or Geography Now on twitter, or Geography Now on YouTube… I’m in the UK episode of Geography Now! And the episode will be ready to watch at the end of this sentence.


For those of you who don’t know, Geography Now is a YouTube channel run by Paul (“Barbs” to save time) Barbato, which discusses, in strict alphabetical order, every single country in the world. It’s educational, it’s fast paced, it’s very funny, it’s right up my street, and if you’re one of my subscribers (which you very likely are if you’re reading this) it’ll be right up your street too. I’ve been a big fan since I discovered the Belgium episode way back in 1978, and have been waiting with shivering impatience ever since for the inevitable UK episode. I never imagined that my wildest dreams* would come true and Barbs would ask me to be the co-host for the UK episode. I was delighted and honoured (with a U), and I said yes immediately!

This was a huge amount of fun to make, but also a huge amount of intimidating. Have you ever had the grave responsibility of accurately representing your entire country in front of the entire internet without making any mistakes or missing anything out? With so much to say about this country (which is 3 and a half countries, really), this turned into the longest ever episode of Geography Now, and soooo much had to be cut. Basically, what I’m saying is, if you do spot any mistakes or omissions, don’t blame Barbs, or me, or the other awesome contributors (some of whom you may also recognise from the British corner of YouTube). Blame the government.

Anyway, massive enormous thank you very much to Barbs for letting me join in. I hope I did my country proud. I hope you enjoy watching this video at least 80% as much as we enjoyed making it. See you again soon!

Very best wishes etc

Jay etc.

*One time I dreamt I had a small waterfall instead of a leg.

1 year ago | [YT] | 4,098

Jay Foreman


If you like Map Men, then there’s good news. (And if you hate Map Men, then there’s dreadful news.) After a hiatus of nearly two years, Map Men, the YouTube programme where TV’s Mark Cooper-Jones and I sit behind a desk and talk about maps, is coming back for a new series*!

Seven! (Eight if you include the cheeky bonus one written by ChatGPT that we might also film for fun if we have time. Not sure where we’ll upload it though. It’s quite shit.)

All sorts of different things. Some modern, some historic, some British-centric, some worldwide-centric. One topic gets done twice for good measure but in completely different ways. Something for everyone. (Unless you hate Map Men, in which case you’re really not going to like any of it.)

A bit. We’ve made a good start on the sketches and some of the green screen, but there’s still LOADS to go, including all the bits where we’re sat behind the desk (which is like 80% of every episode). And some props still haven’t arrived yet. And there’s still some tweaking to do in the writing. BUT!!!! We ARE very close - close enough for us to finally be able to officially tell everyone that the new series IS coming.

This is the middle of the message.

Errrrr… good question. There’s still a gargantuan amount of editing to do. I wanna say… June? I’m going on holiday in June though - that might delay things a bit. So, shall we say… end of June? Early July at the latest. Once the first one’s done, there’ll be one episode per month for seven months after that. So that’s good news. (Or bad news. See above.)

I dunno. It’s weird isn’t it. Probably cos in the olden days, phones used to make the pilots’ equipment go “duk duk da duk duk da duk duk”.

Stick around for more detailed announcements coming very soon.

This is the end of the message.

*season, if you’re American
*cyfres, if you’re Welsh

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 20,516

Jay Foreman

Hooraaaay!!! One of my songs, ‘Skin Sofa’ has been given the ‪@GeorgeCollier‬ treatment! As in, it’s been transcribed into proper music notes on a proper stave, so you can play along at home on the instrument of your choice.


(I assume this is accurate - I can’t actually read music. I wonder if I made the job of transcribing harder by saying at the start “This is in 5/8 time.” It’s probably in 5/4. I don’t really understand the difference, I just said “5/8” to sound clever. This was recorded at a comedy night called ‘An Evening of Unnecessary Detail’, (run by ‪@standupmaths‬, ‪@SteveMould‬ and ‪@HelenArney‬) where performers are encouraged to make their material sound as gloriously nerdy and inaccessible as possible.)

Anyway… if this sort of thing isn’t your bag (I appreciate that these days, for most of you, it isn’t - most of you are here for the Map Men theme music)… then stick around…. There’s another announcement coming up in the next few minutes……

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 1,427

Jay Foreman

It’s a landslide!

After carefully tallying* up all your votes, B is, it turns out, more popular than A, by a considerable margin.

(See previous community post for what the hell I’m talking about.)

It’s worth pointing out at this point, that I came up with A, and then my wife suggested B, and I was all like “I dunno, I think I still prefer A” and she turned out to be right. And that’s fine.

Anyway, time for another poll. And this time, because there’s no photo, it’s a proper poll poll where you can vote with actual results….

Option B can be yet refined into sub-options. Which is more likely to make you (if you were a newcomer to this channel who’d never seen my videos before) click?

B.1. “What went wrong with the Tube Map?”
B.2. “What went wrong with the new Tube Map?”

Option 2 is longer, which is bad. But it gives more context, which is good. But it’s a bit misleading (it’s not THAT new), which is bad. But it raises more questions, which is good.

You see the quandary I’m in?

Vote now on your phones.

Thank you so much for getting involved! Not long to go now til the video, whatever we decide to call it, comes out!

Bye for now!

*Hahahahaha, no.

1 year ago | [YT] | 1,499

Jay Foreman


There’s good news for those of you who followed the instructions at the end of the last video and have not moved in nearly two months…. The thrilling conclusion of the Tube Map themed twology, episode 15 of Unfinished London overall, is coming very VERY soon!!

Interestingly (if you’re interested) this twology was originally supposed to be just one episode, but, as so often happens on this channel, it ballooned in size during the writing process and became so unwieldy we had to chop it in two. With the split being for logistic reasons rather than artistic ones, the break comes at a rather arbitrary halfway point in the story, chosen only because it makes both episodes the same length.

We did go through both scripts to make sure they still stand on their own, crowbarring an extra outro and intro where they belong, but for the optimum storytelling experience, with a satisfyingly balanced beginning, middle and end, we recommend watching part 1 followed immediately by part 2, with a gap of, say, no more than about 8 seconds.


What should we call part 2? YouTube videos these days have got two titles, really: The actual title and the text in the thumbnail. We can’t decide which way round this episode’s titles should be. Which do YOU prefer….?

“The Tube Map is rubbish now”
(thumbnail text = “What went wrong?”)

“What went wrong with the Tube Map?”
(thumbnail text = “rubbish!”)

Vote now by replying A or B.

(YouTube doesn't let you do a poll *AND* a photo at the same time??! Boy, if I had $44 billion.....)

Anyway, many, many, and many thanks again for your continued subscribership. If you're also on my Patreon you'll see the episode earlier than everybody else, **AND** there will be a whole lot of extra special secret behind the scenes stuff and coming very also soon indeed after the episode. Hope you like the episode!

Bestest wishes,


1 year ago | [YT] | 6,938

Jay Foreman

Just a quick note to say I’m not dead.

A few people both here and on twitter.com have got in touch asking me where episode 15 is. And they’re absolutely right. Episode 15 was indeed promised “by the end of October” which, as of yesterday, makes me a liar. So, the very least I owe you is an apology. And slightly more than the very least I owe you is an explanation: Baby hard work. And slightly more than slightly more than the very least I owe you is an update...

Episode 15, the thrilling conclusion of episode 14, will *NOW* be coming before the end of November.

If you don’t believe me (and I can’t say I blame you now that I’m a proven liar) then rest assured that A. The episode is already about 75% done, and B. If I *DON’T* meet this deadline, then I get in massive trouble with the sponsor. (Incidentally has anyone got any good ideas for an advert for Surfshark that I can film while my baby’s asleep?)

Thank you so much for your patience. I’m really sorry for the delay, but I promise you, this episode will be worth the wait - with more facts and maps and sketches and cameos than you can shake two sticks at.

Many thanks indeed and I hope you have something really tasty and interesting for your lunch.

Best wishes,


1 year ago | [YT] | 13,335

Jay Foreman


Hello! It’s been ages! How are you? You’re looking well. Is that a new jumper?

I said in the last post that I’d eventually get round to telling you what’s caused the long hiatus between videos. Well, I’m very excited to be able to tell you… it was the birth of my son! I’m a daddy now! (He’s awesome thank you and so’s my wife.) So that’s why I’ve been a bit distracted. It turns out, writing, filming and editing videos is a lot faster with a full night’s sleep and the use of both arms.

Anyway, with that dollop of my personal life that you didn’t sign up for out of the way, let me now tell you what it is I’ve been writing and filming and editing, and what things will be coming soon to this channel in the coming months.

1- UNFINISHED LONDON EPISODE 14 - coming on Monday 26th September (or a few days earlier if you're signed up to my Patreon)

2- UNFINISHED LONDON EPISODE 15 (part 2 of episode 14) - coming at some point around the endish of October.

(I’m not telling you what they’re about cos it’s a secret, but if you follow me on Twitter you’ve probably figured it out from all the requests for Tube map stuff. Oops.)


3- MAP MEN SERIES 4 - coming in early 2023!

I’ve coaxed Mark out of his box, and Map Men is coming back! We don’t know yet how many episodes there’ll be - it depends how much writing Mark and I manage to do and how much time we’ll have for filming in the short window before he has to go back in his box - but there’ll be at least one. Hopefully six? Who knows? We’ll let you know when we know.

So that’s all coming in the next few months. Hope you’re excited!

Incidentally, if you don’t follow me on twitter, why not? What’s wrong with my twitter? You tend to find out what I’m up to videowise and gigwise much more quickly on there than on here. (www.twitter.com/jayforeman)

Right! I’m off! See you in just under three weeks, or just under just under three weeks if you’re on my Patreon. Bye now.

2 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 12,488

Jay Foreman

Unfinished London ep13 coming on Monday!

Exciting news! The third and final instalment in the trilogy about crossings over (and under) the river Thames is coming on Monday!

Sorry it’s a bit (a lot) late! I promise you I’ve got a really brilliant excuse… I’ll tell you all about it in a couple of months.

If you’re quivering with impatience and you can’t wait til Monday to see the new episode, and you want to watch it !!!!!!RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!, then why not sign up to my Patreon for just one dollar? (79p in British pence)

Hover the mouse over the link below, and when the cursor turns from an arrow into a little glove, click the left mouse button, and your computer should take you through to the link.


By the way, if you’re interested, work has already begun on episode 14 of Unfinished London, and it should come bouncing onto your browser later this Summer. More on that soon! In the meantime, enjoy the lovely weather (if you live somewhere with lovely weather) and I’ll see you all really soon! Bye now!


2 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 13,386