Llyona Fang Watches Concerts

Hi I'm Llyona Fang from the bands ReversalRain & Tsaitogaisuto!

Check links below for my originals because this channel is specifically for music that is NOT MINE, so if you're looking for my music this is the wrong place. This channel is for sharing other artists' performances that I attended. Please support the bands by streaming their music and following their official social media, not me.

Originally I made this channel to back up the Covet/Floral concert videos in October 2021. Some of my friends out of the area are huge fans of these bands. My goal is sharing video documentation so others may enjoy the experience too!

I also didn't want all the copystrikes going onto my regular music channel. The copystrikes just mean that I can't monetize the videos, and that's perfectly fine because I never intend to anyway. The bands own proper rights to their music and will receive their respective royalties as long as YouTube algorithm detects their song.