Gramma and Ginga are sisters. Gramma is 104 years old on March 21, 2018 and Ginga is 99. They were born and raised and currently live in Clarksburg, WV, and they reside about 4 blocks from each other. Ginga has been married 4 times and is considered to be the happy go lucky, cheerful, always smiling, messier, and happy sister eager to chat with anyone anytime. Gramma on the other hand was married to one man for 50+ years until he passed 20+ years ago, and is the exact opposite of Ginga...more serious, usually in a bad mood and grouchy, INSANELY particular about everything, clean freak, and not so touchy-feely. Ginga has worked her whole life, exercised, and still drives a car at 99 years young. Meanwhile Gramma has never worked, has never sat in the drivers seat of a car, and still think she's always right and knows best. These siblings have been arguing and cussing at each other their entire lives, but are still the best of friends SOMEWHERE DEEP down. We hope you enjoy their antics!!
Shared 3 years ago
Shared 3 years ago