Rebekah Maddux El-Hakam ELMOMMA


In 2008, as an expectant Momma, w/ two little boys, I began my blogging journey on The blog has changed over the years, & so has our family. We are now a family with 4 big kids- ages 11 to 17 years (what!?), a baby daughter who passed in 2017 of a fetal maternal hemorrhage at 18 weeks gestation & a 3 year old. We've been baking & cooking & enjoying our family during these last couple of years. Making the most of what we have & I've been putting my heart & soul back in to this family, while sharing more of our life here.
Here on our youtube channel, we will share baby videos (a favorite of many), singing and music videos (a favorite of mine), & lots of baking & cooking recipes.

I also have original music(which I recorded w/ Marshall Altman) You can hear my entire album, Radiant You on itunes & wherever you stream music.