I am a recently born-again Christian from a crypto-jew Freemason family. Following the murder of my mother, to induce me to suicide my cousins had me gang-stalked and would have succeeded in their diabolical plan had I not found Jesus Christ as my Savior. As a result of my experiences, I am a firm believer in God, Jesus Christ and the King James Version Bible as the inerrant Word of God. I have spent the last 7 years reading all I can to as to best understand why my family behaves as they do, worshipping Lucifer. Here is the link to my testimony - It's an interview with The Eternal Planner host, Rob Rennie.
Ashkenazi Christian
Greetings all. Only recently did I realize that people's comments on my videos are being censored. I noticed because I came across a comment posted one year ago that never showed up on my feed and as I don't look at the comments posted section very often I didn't notice it earlier. A few comments have gotten through, but the consensus appears to be that comments started being censored about 1 year ago, due to that being the last time a comment was posted. Therefore, if you thought me rude for not responding to you, understand that was not the case. Kind regards, Cynthia
4 months ago | [YT] | 5
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Ashkenazi Christian
I HATE censorship, I truly do. Yet when I have fake Christians or outright pagans coming to my channel to spread lies about the Christian faith, I have to put my foot down and kick them and their ridiculous off my channel. They are welcome to spread their fake Christianity on their own channel, but not mine. I'm passionate about this because there are so very few true Christian YT channels that I don't want ANY leaven on my channel. Thanks.
1 year ago | [YT] | 8
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Ashkenazi Christian
I haven't posted in a while due to about 6 weeks ago I received a strike from YT for SOMEONE ELSE'S video I had saved to an old Playlist. Seriously, how does one incur a strike for a video he/she had NOTHING to do with? Beats me, but I got one. Certainly, I contested the strike to no avail, nor was an explanation offered how I could get a strike for a video not my own. Consequently, I have a started an Odysee account also titled Ashkenazi Christian and will be uploading videos to the Odysee platform that I deem too sensitive for YT. Occasionally, I will still upload to YT, but given censorship is getting worse, what else can I do? Kind regards, Ashkenazi Christian
2 years ago | [YT] | 11
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Ashkenazi Christian
I just now noticed YouTube has deleted the "Discussion" section of my channel. However, if you want to leave me a private message, use my email: dagnyatl57@gmail.com I don't check my gmail but once per month so have patience and I will answer you if you have a legit question/comment. Regards, Cynthia
5 years ago | [YT] | 11
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