Reason2Resist with Dimitri Lascaris

Dimitri Lascaris is an award-winning lawyer and journalist based in Montreal, Canada and Kalamata, Greece.

After graduating from the University of Toronto Faculty of Law in the 1990s, Dimitri started his legal career at the Wall Street law firm Sullivan & Cromwell. In 2004, he returned to Canada from the United States. Since then, he has prosecuted dozens of securities fraud class actions against major Canadian and multinational corporations and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for defrauded investors.

Dimitri was named by Canadian Lawyer Magazine as one of the 25 most influential lawyers in Canada, and by Canadian Business Magazine as one of the 50 most influential persons in Canadian business.

For ten years, while practising law, Dimitri served as a Board Member and Correspondent of The Real News Network in Baltimore, Maryland. He is now a freelance journalist whose reporting focuses on Western government criminality.