Live Video School

Our MISSION: Help small channels grow and make BIG PROFITS without needing hundreds of thousands or millions subscribers.

This channel will provide weekly content creation tips, tech reviews, and the latest tools to make creating video content easier and fun.

We will also cover How To Livestream On YouTube and simulcast on Facebook and Twitter.

Scott Voelker has been using video for over 20 years and has allowed him to build multiple 6 and 7 figure online businesses.

Scott’s son (Scotty) has been the head video editor over at @brandcreators and helping to grow that channel to over 101k subs with millions of views.

This channel “Live Video School” is a Father and Son team who wants to help other creators get started and grow their online businesses using video.

If you have any questions, comment on any video and we’ll reply.


Shared 2 days ago