All you'll find here are videos and pictures of bands doing what bands do. I'm not here to make bands look crap, so if I think a video isn't good enough to post, it won't go up.
I try to record the best sound I can, 'cos that's what's important, is it not? Good pictures are a bonus, but a good sounding dark'n'grainy video beats a nice shiny one that sounds like crap. No?
Anyway, if you like them, or even if you don't, please leave comments. It makes me feel like there are real people out there.
I should add here that I don't make any money from these videos (I wish!) and I don't own the copyright or whatever to any of the songs contained therein. If any band/artist doesn't want their work posted here, just let me know and I'll happily take it down.
NOTE TO SPAMMERS: I neither want nor need your offer of 'thousands of new subscribers'. If you are so impressed by my stuff that you feel the need to comment, you can always subscribe yourself. But I guess you don't get paid to do that...