ULTIMATE TUBE TV is dedicated in bringing you the highest quality in entertainment, insightful information about hip hop news, celebrity stories, Gossips and Trending Topics or any other topics you might find interesting in today's media. How can i forget funny videos!! :)

All my videos involves commentary and are created by me primarily using editing programs which allows me to apply my editing skills. It takes long hours to make a video but all that time is worth it as long as i can keep my audience entertained.
ULTIMATE TUBE TV is here for you and your entertainment, your laughter and smiles.

Booking Information / Business Inquiries : daviansmith223@gmail.com
Instagram / @ultimatetubetv

If you enjoy the channel and want to be a part of this community Please SUBSCRIBE!!.
Email me constructive thoughts to daviansmith223@gmail.com so I can improve my Channel.

Thank you.