The Preparedness Therapist

Welcome to The Preparedness Therapist, where preparedness & survival are explored from a psychological point of view. I explore a varied range of topics, including spying, indigenous medicine, the traits of survivors, motivation, the criminal mind, stress, anxiety, wilderness skills, resilience, building a community, dark-ages self defense, & the relationship between the physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual.
My desire is for more people to develop a preparedness mindset & heartset.
My brand of preparedness is not about fear, but about being empowered. I am committed to helping others develop the knowledge & skills necessary to protect themselves & their loved ones. Join me on YouTube, my blog (, podcast, & with my books, & learn how to take control of your life & develop the preparedness mindset that will help you thrive in any situation.
Please subscribe & share the word. The more of us who are prepared, the better all of us will be.


Shared 7 months ago