This project is featuring world, community and religious leaders, humanitarians, authors, Holocaust survivors, artists, and scientists.
It is presenting their legacy and their message to worldwide audiences of all ages and to future generations.

It includes Jewish songs and music such as Schindler's List theme, My Yiddishe Mame, Exodus, Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen, Israel Songs Concerto-Symphony, Passover Seder, Rhapsody-Symphony, Yerushalayim Jerusalem, Kaddish prayer, Chanukkah Concerto, The Jewish Rhapsody-Concerto.

Special thanks to The Wiesenthal Center, The Museum of Tolerance, The Shoah Foundation USC, Steven Spielberg, the Schindler's List production team, Rabbi Marvin Hier, The Holocaust Remembrance Day organization, Dr. Joel Geiderman, Cedars Sinai, The los Angeles Holocaust Museum, The United States Museum of the Holocaust ( USHMM), The Jewish Federation, The Jewish Journal, Pat Boone, Temple Emanuel, Synagogue of the Performing Arts, Synagogue