药来了-to approve or not

This channel focuses on the introduction and analysis of major and interesting NDA (new drug application) or BLA (Biologics license application) to FDA.
I am an industry veteran of clinical science, who works in a top biotech of US. This is an independent forum and there's no funding from any source of biopharmaceutical industry. All views are my own and not relevant to the company i work for.

这是一个聚焦介绍和分析重要或感兴趣新药上市申请(NDA)或生物药上市申请(BLA)的频道。 本人是就职于北美生物科技公司的临床科学资深人士。作为独立论坛,它没有接受来自工业界的任何资助。所有的观点仅代表本人与我就职的公司无关。