From -- The City of a Million Smiles ! New York City : ) This is a taste of The Footprints and Editorial Travels in The Magical World of Totally Cool ® and friends ... just a taste. Totally Cool ® "Takes You There." Enjoy !!! As an officially registered federal Trademark -- Totally Cool ® has been airing on Manhattan TV and Time Warner Cable in New York since 1994. Now the world can see a little of what it is about. "Something that comes from the Heart" ... and of course - "Always Good News All The Time." The Official Editorial Authority. "Where 'FUN' IS Our Middle Name" : )

Totally Cool ® IS NOT Competitive. We do not compete, we compliment everything that exists or is exposed. We are there to remind you - there are the good things in Life. This is the ONE PROJECT In The Whole WORLD that has a COMMON DENOMINATOR with every individual human being every individual on the Planet. Everyone has something ... that is -- Totally Cool ® to them. And You know that is sooo True !!!

Other Videos also at and you can always visit Totally Cool at Facebook ! with love, richard renda.