* The meaning of the word "Canaan" is obscure, one theory is that it's derived from the "semetic" word "kn" which means "low" hence meaning "low land". Other explanation is that it's derived from Hurrian term "kinahhu" that means "purple".
* The Canaanites most likely are the continuation of older Natufian and Ghassulian cultures of the stone age.
* Canaanites were urban people living in cities and villages.
* Ancient Israelites/Hebrews were (mostly) a group of Bedouins that settled in the hills of Canaan after it's collapse in 12th century B.C.
*Jewish people today consists of many races; East Europeans, North Africans, other Mediterraneans, Yemeni, Ethiopians.. etc, even new converts.
* Palestine, just like all other Arabic speaking countries (except Arabian peninsula) has been Arabized gradually throughout 100's of years of Arab rule.
* Palestinians are the natives of their land, genetically the result of all civilizations that passed on that land.. mostly Canaanites
Shared 14 years ago