If you want to spend less money on ink and less time swapping ink cartridges then purchase a CISS ink system on www.ebaystores.co.uk/cityinkexpress
or www.Cityinkexpress.co.uk

Welcome to our youtube support channel for www.cityinkexpress.co.uk. We are cityinkexpress, a leading CISS ink and CIS cartridge printing specialist.

CISS (Continuous Ink Supply Systems) are an innovative alternative to traditional ink cartridges that could save your business a lot of time and money. At City Ink Express, we are a leading supplier of CISS ink systems and have a wide range of products that work with almost all makes and models of printer.

We are CISS specialists with many years experience in supplying printing equipment and ink to the businesses of the UK. Our team regularly tests new products and inks from manufacturers across the globe, in an on-going attempt to find the best CISS inks and units.