Hey there Guys Sup.I´m Ticaw from Portugal.I hope you enjoy my vids cause none of them were made randomly it was all thinked and all for a reason.(not all of them xD maybe 95%)I need to make a tribute to some guys in youtube of course , here we go:
Dmk998 for teaching m some cool hacking stuff
Victordeviking for beeing a cool youtube friend and give me some vid tips
Mrdi7111 and to Joca 220 for showing me that actually fifa top goals vids can be cool
And finally Thanks to ortmon i strated to work with after effects cause of him and he really gave me some cool ideas.
Some of my projects for this year:
Mario secrets
Some postal 2 footage (it will be a small vid cause it gets boring if you do a very big postal vid)
Classical games like:Zelda, postal 1 , tony hawk 3, kirby
hack in to a computer admininistrator
Gamemaker tutorials
Gta sanandreas bmx stunts
Stay tuned and subscribe
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