Heather Marianna

I created something where I can keep up my looks, spa treatments, and beauty for a fraction of the costs. And now I want to share it with the world! Since creating Beauty Kitchen I have found a passion for beauty!!!!. So Click on my videos, grab a pen n paper, get your self Beauty Kitchen Hot!

I am the creator of Beauty Kitchen, a DIY Spa Show that you can watch here and on HeatherMarianna.TV. Want to learn how to do all those fancy spa wraps yourself? Want to learn quick fixes on acne, dry har and skin? Watch Beauty Kitchen and Ditch the SPA! Save that money for new shoes, a family vacation, or just plainly pay your bills, everyone wants to look FABULOUS but in todays economy we ALL have to make CUTBACKS!

Click away to lean about me, my secrets, and please comment, nicely.


Shared 2 years ago



Shared 6 years ago