LifeBeyondTheSea - Philippines Podcast

Ever thought of going away to live on a tropical island? I did, so I left everything and moved to the Philippines!

In 2011, I did a lot of thinking about what I wanted to truly do the rest of my life. I've never been a "travel person" up until that point. I'd only been to border towns along northern Mexico for short vacations and visits.

But then in California, I met a wonderful Filipina who jump-started my interest in the Philippines. So by 2012, I was on a plane to explore the Philippines and I've been here ever since. My plans are to continue seeing more of SouthEast Asia and eventually settle down 'somewhere'. Maybe. :)

Follow me on my journey as I share tips on how to travel safely, the places I visit and observations on a variety of cultures. I hope you'll find it both entertaining and informative.

-- Reekay