Diskulpin Les Molèsties [RàdioPodcast]

Welcome to the On-Line Stream Channel ⭐️Diskulpin Les Molèsties⭐️
Since 2000, breaking schemes!

We start a new stage (2021) with an ⭐️ ONLINE RADIO PROGRAM ⭐️. We have passed on the VIDEO-STREAM!!! You can see the craziest programs and sections on this YouTube channel. You will find the most radical humor in Catalan and some surprises in the Podcasts.

For 10 seasons (2000/2010) we broadcast on the waves of Radio Canet. The Alt Maresme were our area of ​​influence, but... now, this "pandemic" has opened the door (and mind) for us to act globally.

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▶ FACEBOOK - bit.ly/FacebookDiskulpin
▶ INSTAGRAM - bit.ly/InstaDLM
▶ TWITTER - twitter.com/diskulpinOnline