Edgar Sanchez (Edgar Sanchez)

yo my is Edgar some might know me a while back XxjulmasterxX but now that i change my account to XxknifeManiacxX guessing by the name yes i like to knife in games why because its fun :D yes and plus it piss people off lol but hey u got to do to win or to live of course the way i do my knife is just bull or stupid and maybe awsome but hey i dont care lol but all jokes aside came to youtube to create a name for my self to show my funny knife kills or other funny things i do on Cod,BFH,or GTA5 and SMITH.it really depends on my mood . i might use gun and camp it sorry what meant to say im in tactical spot :D but over all give me chance to show u what this Maniac can do with his trust Knife and C4 or taser lol