True Legacy's official gaming channel with everything you want!
Revival Giveaway
Prizes include.
1st place winner gets Battlefield 2142
2nd place winner gets Battlefield 2
3rd place winner gets Call of Duty 2
4th place winner gets Command and Conquer
5th Place winner gets Halo
Real games bought by me you will get the CD key through email.
To enter similar to the sadly tragic mabinogi beta key giveaway.
(However this time is not by a third party source)
Simply enter your name and email I will randomly pick a page and and member to recieve the games.
You will have the option to choose the game you want so get going.
The more post you have the more likely as a will gather the top 50 posters to rally round and recieve the chance so get going.
Finish date June 31st.
This contest is in no form or way affilated with Electronic Arts,Bungie Entertainment or Activision.