Musical Joy & Memories

Welcome to Musical Joy & Memories. This is a channel where I share some of the music I love. I am a huge fan of holiday music, Christmas and Halloween, the 60s, 70s and 80s time period and the music of Lisa Mychols, Bob Walkenhorst.

Lisa Mychols has been making has been making wonderful pop, power pop music since her time with the Masticators in the very early 2000s. Her entire catalog, four solo CDs, and further compilations with her other bands, Nushu, The 7 & 6 and her recent collection with Scotland's Super 8 are all fantastic collections. She has called her own music, "sunshine, garage pop." A beautiful voice with a sometimes biting rock'n'roll edge.

Bob Walkenhorst first came to my attention in his 1980s band the Rainmakers. Then in the mid-2000s I became aware and captivated by his live shows in a several Kansas City bars that were featured on the internet. A great story teller in his own right.

Tin Tin is another band that I just love.