The Train Tracker

I am The Train Tracker, and I'm "loco over locomotives!"

I'm an avid railroad photographer, and this channel will feature videos and pictures of various railroads and rolling stock that I visit during my travels. I am also a modeler, and will post videos relating to model railroading and other projects of that sort.

I believe that rail-related hobbies should be available to everybody; all of my videos are family friendly and contain no foul language.

Unless otherwise stated, all content on this channel is my property. I ask that no one uses any of my videos, pictures or audio without my permission.
Any inaccuracies in my videos are accidental and my own errors. I welcome any respectful feedback and corrections. Please keep any comments civil and polite.

Thank you again for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy my media!

Check out the verses below...
John 3:16, Romans 6:23, 10:9-10,
Revelation 1:7, 3:20, 22:12