Jacob Zemer is a performance coach in the
Westchester, NY area. He has spent over 20 years
refining his approach to fitness, holds over a dozen
certifications in both exercise and nutrition and has
been regularly featured in the media to share his
unique methodology.
Jacob’s message and approach to nutrition and fitness
is clear, relatable, and most importantly, sustainable.
He is able to break down the steps necessary to reach
a client’s goal in a way that ensures long term success.
His compelling messaging draws parallels between
fitness and every day life that brings clarity to an
industry flooded with gimmicks and quick fixes.
His success comes from the ability to be hyper direct
and focused on keeping clients accountable. Jacob
helps his clients channel what makes them successful
individuals and teaches them how to apply it to their
health, appearance and performance.
Website | Jacobzemer.com
Shared 2 months ago