RP Strength (Renaissance Periodization) is a company with one mission: to get as many people as possible into the shapes of their lives. We help people transform in 5 specific ways:
1.) Customized hypertrophy training for less than a dollar a day through our RP Hypertrophy App: rpstrength.com/rphypertrophyapp
2.) Personalized diet coaching for less than a dollar a day through our RP Diet Coach App: rpstrength.com/rpdietcoachapp
3.) Free online fitness education through our YouTube videos, free mini-guides, ebooks, articles, and posts
4.) Advanced fitness education through our YouTube members channel and books
5.) Elite one-on-one coaching from our team of the world's most highly qualified fitness coaches.
Enjoy as much of our free content as you like, and check out our website to get started:
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago