Thriving Technologist

Stay calm, keep growing, and have a life outside your tech job!

If you're struggling to grow (or just survive) in your tech career - I've been there. I started out in QA and was promoted to a software architect way too early at just 23 years old. That's when the political games hit! It was a fight of every developer for himself from there on out...

About 20 years later I suffered from chronic burnout. I lost my job, my savings - and almost my marriage. But it taught me what matters - and who I really am. The IT industry has many problems, and sometimes they can't be fixed. But we can fix ourselves!

Today I offer tech professionals all over the world integrated career and life coaching, and courses to help them succeed without burning out. I can help you improve your mindset and mental health, lean into your strengths, and if it's time - start working for yourself.

Subscribe and join us - let’s help each other grow a community of thriving technologists!