Photoshop Pro Help

Photoshop Pro Help is run by Andrew Dines. I provide high quality Photoshop video tutorials to the graphic design and photographer community, it doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a professional I have something for everyone.

The video tutorials have been used around the world at schools, colleges and universities, I aim to help everyone that wants to learn Photoshop giving them the tools and know how to help them strive and achieve their goals.

Note: I do try to answer everyone's questions but due to how many messages I get I can't answer them all but not to worry you can still ask questions by commenting, messaging on YouTube and contacting me via my website.

You can also submit your Photoshop tutorial request by messaging me on YouTube or by contacting me via my website.

If you like what you see here, please Comment, Rate and Subscribe. Thanks for checking out my channel.


Shared 11 years ago